Alicia Ross

Alicia LeVonne Ross is a Community Engagement Manager, for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Office of Broadband.

Ms. Ross’ passion for Digital Equity and Inclusion began in 2001 when she was a graduate student and later as a full-time employee at University of Chicago working for University of Chicago Internet Project (CUIP), there she worked in surrounding neighborhood schools training and developing technology plans for school administrators, teachers, and leading efforts for technology fairs throughout the Chicagoland communities.  

While working and researching in Ghana, West Africa, Ms. Ross participated in a World Bank webinar on Global Digital Divide providing input on her experiences working both Chicago and, in the schools, where she worked in Ghana. She also trained youth and college students on digital literacy skills and software platforms. Ms. Ross work in Ghana led her to complete her Master thesis on Digital Divide as well as an article with an international publication.

Following her research in Ghana she continued her work as adjunct faculty at Chicago State University in the Education Technology Department and presented at a USAID conference in Durban, South Africa as a facilitator for a digital equity workshop.

The past two years Ms. Ross has worked for the Illinois Office of Broadband both as an Illini Science Policy Scholar and now as a Community Engagement Manager. She has brought her experiences in digital equity working in Chicago communities and abroad to the Illinois Office of Broadband in an effort to connect, partner, and collaborate with stakeholders to provide digital equity throughout Illinois. 

Ms. Ross has led efforts in the Northeast Region of Illinois as a Community Engagement Manager to foster and strengthen relationships with community anchor institutions, state/local government officials and residents. She leads the Illinois Digital Equity Coalition monthly meetings and the Illinois Computer Equity Networks monthly meetings.

She has presented at conferences nationally and abroad in digital equity, international educational leadership, and cultural competence. Her experiences include working as a technology coordinator, technology teacher, and consultant.

As Ms. Ross confers her doctoral degree in Education, Policy, Organization and Leadership (EPOL) from the University of Illinois she looks forward to continuing her work and service in broadband deployment, digital equity, and community engagement internationally.