2024 Policy Groups
1st Thursday 2pm ET
This group discusses aspects of the E-rate and Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) programs.
Members help develop and shape our advocacy strategy for policymakers, notably the FCC
and USAC, to ensure these critical funding sources work effectively and efficiently for schools
and libraries, its principal stakeholders.
USF Congressional
2nd Tuesday 2pm ET
This group discusses and advocates for policies that expand broadband investment for anchor
institutions and unserved and underserved communities. Focus areas include federal programs
(BEAD, CPF, RDOF), federal and state mapping efforts, deployment models, pole access and
rights of way, and other issues that impact broadband deployment to and through anchor
Rural Healthcare
2nd Thursday 2pm ET
This group works to ensure that the FCC’s Rural Health Care Program works effectively and
efficiently for health care providers seeking funding for broadband and telecommunications
services. This group discusses ways to improve application processing, and members share
thoughts and ideas with USAC on a quarterly basis.
Broadband Deployment
3rd Tuesday 2pm ET
This group discusses and advocates for policies that expand broadband investment for anchor
institutions and unserved and underserved communities. Focus areas include federal programs
(BEAD, CPF, RDOF), federal and state mapping efforts, deployment models, pole access and
rights of way, and other issues that impact broadband deployment to and through anchor
3rd Thursday 2pm ET
This group discusses spectrum policies that impact anchor institution access to unlicensed and
affordable licensed spectrum. The group also showcases To and Through wireless networking
projects that extend wireless service from the anchor institution to the home.
Anchors for Digital Equity
4th Tuesday 2pm ET
This group supports SHLB members’ work to advance digital equity goals and to advocate for
increasing the role and contribution that anchor institutions make in achieving these goals.
Discussions focus on policies and programs to promote universal access to broadband and digital
inclusion developments, programs, and innovations.
Bi-Weekly Member Policy Calls
Every other Monday 2pm ET
This bi-weekly call provides updates on federal and state broadband policy and regulatory
developments across the broadband landscape. It’s the best way to stay informed about all of
SHLB’s broadband policy work and advocacy efforts in support of anchor institutions, and
how such policies impact your organization.