
SHLB Webinars

As your go-to resource for community anchor institution broadband, the SHLB Coalition is proud to host webinars featuring key industry leaders and researchers to discuss relevant broadband issues.

The most recently recorded webinar is available to the public for a month following its air date, but SHLB members may access the full archive of webinars through our online resource library.

SHLB webinars are free and open to the public.

Upcoming Webinar 

SHLB Webinar SCOTUS Debrief April 2

Debriefing the SCOTUS USF Oral Arguments

April 2 @2pm-2:45pm

On March 26, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in FCC v. Consumers' Research, a landmark case that could shape the future of the Universal Service Fund (USF). The outcome of this case has the potential to impact telecommunications policy and funding for broadband initiatives across the nation.

Join us for a comprehensive debrief from those who were present in the courtroom as we break down key moments and insights from the oral arguments. We’ll explore the case’s potential implications for the USF, the broader telecommunications landscape, and what this could mean for stakeholders across the industry.

Meet the Experts

  • Andrew Jay Schwartzman, Senior Counselor, Benton Institute for Broadband & Society
  • Jason Neal, Partner. HWG Law

Register Here

2025 Recordings

Supreme Court & Universal Service: What’s at Stake?
Should Congress Repeal the FCC’s E-Rate HotSpot Lending Decision?
Navigating Broadband Policy During the Trump Administration

November 13, 2024- Broadband Policy after the Election: What to expect from Congress and the next Administration?

September 25, 2024- Universal Service Reform After the Fifth Circuit Consumers' Research Decision

September 11, 2024- Preparing for the FCC's Cybersecurity Funding Opportunity 

August 28, 2024- E-rate HotSpot Lending - Answering Your Questions

August 14, 2024- Decoding the 5th Circuit’s Decision on the USF

July 2024-The E-rate HotSpot Opportunity: Interpreting the FCC's HotSpot Lending Order for Schools and Libraries

February 2024- How Libraries Can Upgrade Their Internet Through the BEAD Program

You can view more past webinars here and here.

SHLB webinars are supported by the following corporate sponsors

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