
The group serves as a discussion forum to educate participants and the broader SHLB community about emerging trends and technologies in the wireless space, and advocate for policies that support the needs of anchor institutions and their surrounding communities.

February  Meeting Summary 

February 20, 2025: Lawmakers debated spectrum auctions, with Sen. Cruz pushing to clear DoD spectrum and Sen. Fischer emerging as a key voice for compromise. SHLB, alongside OTI, signed a letter opposing higher power levels that could disrupt shared spectrum access.

Discussion also covered the FCC’s upcoming vote on repurposing the Upper C-Band and concerns about whether future auctions will prioritize revenue over balanced spectrum policy. SHLB continues to meet with Senate offices to oppose Cruz’s resolution to overturn the FCC’s hotspot lending decision, with efforts focused on key states where demand for hotspots is high.

Full meeting notes for this and prior meetings are available to members here.

Focal areas of the group include:

  • Showcasing anchor institutions projects/initiatives that make use of, and especially innovative use of, spectrum to serve their constituencies, including the surrounding community. 
  • Providing educational content and information exchange to members who are planning to use wireless technologies and spectrum in their communities and wish to learn from others who have done so. 
  • Identifying and shaping policy solutions that ensure adequate unlicensed and licensed (including shared-licensed) spectrum is available for use by anchor institutions, and the providers that serve anchor institutions. 
  • Identifying and shaping policies that make (anchor-led) wireless networking solutions that serve the public interest eligible for (federal) financial support/subsidies.
June 2019
The Economic Benefit of Keeping the "E" in "EBS"
  • Executive Officer, Information Technology,
  • Executive Officer, Information Technology,
  • Matthew Elder, IT Business Operations Director, Boulder Valley School District
  • Melissa Slawson, General Counsel and V.P. of Government Affairs and Education, GeoLinks

Spectrum Co-Chairs

  • Kristen Corra
    Kristen Corra
    Policy Counsel SHLB Coalition
    Staff Contact
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