SHLB Congressional Fly-In

Register Here 

The SHLB Coalition is organizing a fly-in of SHLB members to support E-rate, the Rural Health Care program and the Universal Service Fund on April 9-11. The purpose of the fly-in is to educate Congress about the importance of preserving E-rate and the RHC program so that schools, libraries and healthcare providers can make affordable broadband service available to unserved and underserved communities. 

We ask attendees to fly to DC on April 9, hold Senate and House meetings and attend an exhibition in the Rayburn House Office Building on April 10, and hold additional meetings or return home on April 11. SHLB staff will help to arrange meetings on April 10/11 and will host the reception/exhibition on April 10.  

Further information is set forth below. We are charging a small fee to offset some of our expenses.  We are limiting attendance to 50 people. We look forward to seeing you!

March 26, 2025 SCOTUS USF Case

April 9

  • All day: SHLB Members Fly in
  • 5:30pm-7:30pm: Joey and John Reception at Love, Makoto (200 Massachusetts Ave NW Suite 150, Washington, DC 20001)

April 10

  • 8-9:30am: Breakfast at Residence Inn Washington, DC National Mall (333 E St SW, Washington, DC 20024)
  • 10am-12pm: Senate meetings
  • 12-1pm: Lunch at Rayburn cafeteria  
  • 1:30-3pm: House meetings
  • 4-5pm: Exhibit setup 
  • 5-7pm: Reception in Rayburn House Office Building (45 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC 20515)
  • 7:30-9:30pm: Dinner at Carmine's DC (425 7th Street NW, Washington, District of Columbia  20004)      

April 11

  • SHLB members fly home
SHLB's April fly in hotel room block is at the Residence Inn Washington, DC National Mall. The address is 333 E St SW, Washington, DC 20024.

Please review the following information and feel free to contact Lauren Rachuba at with any questions. 

The exhibit tables will be distributed throughout the foyer. Each exhibitor will have a 6’x 30” Draped Table, (2) chairs and linens. You can begin setup at 4pm on April 10th. Easels can be provided at an additional cost from the Rayburn building.
For delivery of any posters / expo items - any items larger than 18" wide x 14" high x 8.5" deep must be shipped ahead of the time of the event or can be delivered via the loading on the day of the event or the day before.
Shipping Directions:
If you would like to mail things ahead of time for the event, they can be mailed to my office and I can store them for you. When possible please mail via USPS – we have a history of many FedEx or UPS deliveries getting returned. All mail will be opened and inspected before arriving to us. The inspection process can take up to 5-7 business days before a “delivered” item makes it to us, so we recommend planning for delivery at least two weeks in advance. For mailed items, please send me a list of what is being delivered and mark all boxes with “Foyer – 4/10” so we can keep track of all arriving items. 
The shipping address is:
Attn: Kathleen Nelson
2039 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
SHLB will cover the cost of the following:
  • Drinks on April 9
  • Breakfast on April 10
  • Reception on April 10 
  • Dinner on April 10

Attendees will cover the cost of the following: 

  • Hotel
  • Travel
  • Local Travel (cabs, etc.) 
  • Lunch on April 10th
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