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Photo of Todd Melby

Todd Melby

Solutions Architect

Netsync Network Solutions


Professional Bio

For over 30 years, Todd Melby has been a wireless and telecommunication industry leader. He has developed many broadband, cellular, and wireless networks internationally and domestically while working for Motorola, Sprint, Extenet, and Netsync. Recently Todd has been focused on fixed wireless, private wireless networks, MOCN, and indoor networks.

Todd’s passion is to develop people, organizations, and processes associated with completing complex wireless projects. He enjoys the design, construction, system integration, and network operations. He also enjoys mentoring staff and working across organizational boundaries to create a healthy team environment.

Todd’s educational background includes an Executive MBA with a BSEET undergrad. Todd has an AWS Certified Solutions Architect-Associate Certification, an Electrical Contractor License, and a General Contractor License.

Todd is a two-time Ironman who loves traveling, skiing, sailing, playing platform tennis, and watching my kids play sports.

Organization Name

Netsync Network Solutions
2500 West Loop S Ste 410
Houston, TX 77027-4520
United States
SHLB Logo For-Profit

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