SHLB Coalition Commends President Biden's Nomination of Gomez, Carr and Starks for FCC

Press Releases,

For Immediate Release

Contact: Saskya Cabral 

Marketing and PR Director 


SHLB Coalition Commends President Biden's Nomination of Gomez, Carr and Starks for FCC

Washington, D.C. (May 22, 2023) - The Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition applauds President Biden's intention to nominate Anna Gomez, a highly qualified and experienced professional, to fill the vacant FCC seat. Gomez's nomination, alongside the renominations of Commissioners Carr and Starks, is a significant step towards restoring the FCC's full complement of commissioners and addressing the agency's prolonged deadlock.

“Anna Gomez's extensive background in the State Department, FCC, NTIA, and corporate law makes her eminently qualified for the role. If confirmed, she would bring valuable expertise and a diverse perspective to the FCC, benefitting the public and the marketplace,” said John Windhausen Jr., Executive Director of the SHLB Coalition. “We also support the renomination of Geoffrey Starks and Brendan Carr. Restoring the FCC to full strength is essential to fulfilling our goal of ensuring affordable and accessible broadband for anchor institutions and their communities. The SHLB Coalition looks forward to working with Ms. Gomez, Mr. Carr, and Mr. Starks, and the entire FCC to expand broadband access for anchor institutions and bridge the digital divide.”


About SHLB:

The SHLB Coalition is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) public interest organization that supports open, affordable, high-quality broadband connections for anchor institutions and their surrounding communities. The SHLB Coalition is based in Washington, D.C., and has a diverse membership of non-commercial and commercial organizations across the United States. To learn more, visit

1250 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 700, Washington DC 20036 | | (202) 263-4626

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