Day 2: Thursday, October 3
Day 2: Thursday, October 3
E-Rate Workshop: USAC Listening Session and "Enhancing the E-rate Program: Collaborative Insights and Recommendations for the Next Budget Cycle." - Salon 6
1:45PM - 4:00PM
E-Rate Workshop: USAC Listening Session and "Enhancing the E-rate Program: Collaborative Insights and Recommendations for the Next Budget Cycle." - Salon 6
1:45PM - 4:00PM
USAC Listening Session
Moderator: Debra Kriete
State E-rate Coordinator- South Dakota State

Malavika Muralidharan
E-rate Administer for Public Libraries- Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records
Karina Roiuk-Yu, LLM, Esq.
E-Rate Account Manager- Kellogg & Sovereign Consulting
Moderator: Kristen Corra
Policy Counsel- SHLB Coalition