Lesley LaFile

Lesley joined the PHV team in 2017 and brings over 24 years of grant writing and USAC Rural Health Care (RHC) filing experience to her role. Prior to PHV, she was the grant writer for CHI Health Good Samaritan (Kearney, NE) for 17 years where she began working with the USAC RHC Program in 2000.  She also served as the foundation director for Phelps Memorial Health Center (Holdrege, NE) for four years before joining Good Samarian. 

Lesley is a former board president of the Nebraska Rural Health Association (NeRHA), a fellow for the National Rural Health Association (NRHA), and co-founder of the Nebraska Statewide Telehealth Network (NSTN). Lesley is the current co-chair of the Schools Health Libraries Broadband Coalition (SHLB) Healthcare Policy Group. 

Lesley earned her EdD in Interdisciplinary Leadership from Creighton University, MPA from the University of Nebraska-Omaha, and BS from the University of Nebraska-Kearney

function openCity(evt, cityName) { // Declare all variables var i, tabcontent, tablinks; // Get all elements with class="tabcontent" and hide them tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent"); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } // Get all elements with class="tablinks" and remove the class "active" tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks"); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", ""); } // Show the current tab, and add an "active" class to the button that opened the tab document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = "block"; evt.currentTarget.className += " active"; } //Reveal Animation on homepage