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Channelford Associates Inc

Contact information may be available to logged in members.

Steve Rau CEO
Alyssa Shannon Funding Analyst
Amparo Dinsmore
Debbi Robinson Funding Analyst
Greg Hall
Jon Ogle
Stephen Sharp Vice President of Operations
Steven Douglas
Tania Traverso Funding Analyst
SHLB Logo For-Profit

function openCity(evt, cityName) { // Declare all variables var i, tabcontent, tablinks; // Get all elements with class="tabcontent" and hide them tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent"); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } // Get all elements with class="tablinks" and remove the class "active" tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks"); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", ""); } // Show the current tab, and add an "active" class to the button that opened the tab document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = "block"; evt.currentTarget.className += " active"; } //Reveal Animation on homepage