2024 Board Election Results

Posted By: Kristen Engebretsen Blogs,

In October and November, the SHLB Coalition received seven outstanding nominations for our annual board election. Midway through the election season, one of our current board members unexpectedly stepped down due to personal health reasons, increasing our open seats from two to three. One of these seats is always designated for a staff member at an Anchor Institution.

Voting ran through November 5. After validating and tallying the results, we discovered a tie for the second spot—an unexpected but welcome coincidence, given our newly available third seat!

Without further ado, we are excited to announce the three winners of the 2024 SHLB Board election:

  • Michael Wallace, University of Arkansas Medical Sciences, Institute for Digital Health & Innovation, e-Link
  • Carrie Coogan, Kansas City Public Library (Anchor Institution)
  • Rogelio Zambrano, LA County Office of Education (Anchor Institution)

Each will begin a full three-year term on January 1, 2025. Please join us in warmly welcoming our newest board members and in extending our gratitude to all the nominees for their dedication and passion for SHLB’s mission.

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