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Photo of #OaklandUndivided


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Organization Overview

#OaklandUndivided is an equity-based, collective impact initiative launched in May 2020 to harness the people's power to solve one of society's most persistent structural inequities - the digital divide. A partnership with the City of Oakland, Oakland Unified School District, Oakland Public Education Fund, TechExchange, and the Oakland Promise - #OaklandUndivided uplifts community voice and champions equity in our digitally redlined communities of West Oakland, Fruitvale, and East Oakland with the goal of closing the digital divide for good.
Georgia Savage
Georgia Savage Deputy Director
Carolina Mendez
Carolina Mendez Program Manager & LEE Fellow
Cinthia Diaz
Cinthia Medrano
Patrick Messac
SHLB Logo Associations & Non-Profits

function openCity(evt, cityName) { // Declare all variables var i, tabcontent, tablinks; // Get all elements with class="tabcontent" and hide them tabcontent = document.getElementsByClassName("tabcontent"); for (i = 0; i < tabcontent.length; i++) { tabcontent[i].style.display = "none"; } // Get all elements with class="tablinks" and remove the class "active" tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName("tablinks"); for (i = 0; i < tablinks.length; i++) { tablinks[i].className = tablinks[i].className.replace(" active", ""); } // Show the current tab, and add an "active" class to the button that opened the tab document.getElementById(cityName).style.display = "block"; evt.currentTarget.className += " active"; } //Reveal Animation on homepage