Dive into our weekly review for a glimpse of SHLB's activities!
Pacific Northwest Gigapop & KINBERCON
On April 17, John led a dynamic discussion on national broadband policy with colleagues Amy Philipson and Cindy Aden, at the Pacific Northwest Gigapop meeting in Seattle.
On April 18, John and Jeff Mitchell gave a joint presentation on federal broadband policy at the KINBERCON Conference in Lancaster, PA.
Filing & Blog Post: E-Rate Funds for Hotspots
On April 15, SHLB submitted a letter to the FCC to make sure that the upcoming hotspot lending order is technology-neutral so schools and libraries can choose the best wireless option for their local market.
On April 17, Eric attended Next Century Cities Bipartisan Tech conference on Capitol Hill.
It was great to see many of our friends in the policy community come together to discuss critical issues, including ACP, BEAD and digital equity, and to celebrate NCC’s 10th anniversary.
Here’s a look inside what was discussed on policy group meetings this week:
Broadband Deployment
On April 16, Co-Chairs Jenny Miller (ESH) and Justin Fazzari (AppGeo) led a conversation about the state broadband challenge processes, RDOF amnesty, pole replacement costs and bulk billing.
On April 18, Co-Chair Philip Neufeld shared an inspiring story about how the Fresno Unified School District used their schools as towers to provide wireless internet access to students off-campus.
He highlighted successes and current challenges they face. One lesson he highlighted was the importance of having community investment in your project in order to create a sustainable model.
Member Corner
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Our mailing address is: SHLB Coalition 1250 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 USA
The SHLB Coalition is organizing a fly-in of SHLB members to support E-rate, the Rural Health Care program and the Universal Service Fund on April 9-11.
Not yet a SHLB member? Join a diverse community of organizations working to ensure that anchor institutions' unique needs and contributions are recognized and included in federal, state and local broadband policy and programs.
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//Reveal Animation on homepage