SHLB Roundup - Week of April 22

SHLB Roundup - Week of April 22

Dive into our weekly review for a glimpse of SHLB's activities!

Member Spotlight - Eric Sasaki

Issues We’re Watching

  • Net Neutrality

    • On Thursday, April 25, the FCC reinstated the net neutrality rules that were vacated by the previous FCC in 2017.  The new rules classify broadband internet access service (BIAS) as a “telecommunications service”, which makes these services subject to FCC (and potentially state) regulation.

      The FCC rules bar blocking, throttling and paid prioritization, and adopts a “general conduct” standard, but the Order stops short of regulating BIAS rates or imposing unbundling rules.  

      The Order also preserves the definition of BIAS so that wifi provided by schools, libraries and coffee shops are not subject to the net neutrality rules.

  • ACP  and Spectrum Auction Reform

    • Senators Cantwell and Lujan released a new bill that would authorize the FCC to auction spectrum licenses and dedicate $5 billion for the ACP. The Senate Commerce Committee is expected to mark up the bill next Wednesday, May 1.

  • Congressional USF Working Group

    • We understand from conversations on the Hill that staff is still working to draft legislative language to reform the Universal Service Fund. SHLB's USF Rapid Response group will meet again May 9th.

  • Hotspot Lending

    • The FCC has yet to schedule a vote on E-rate funded hot spot lending until after May.

Policy Groups Update

Here’s a look inside what was discussed on policy group meetings this week:

  • Anchors for Digital Equity

    • On April 23, co-chairs Rebecca Ranallo and Tom Esselman led a deep dive discussion about how anchors and other community-based organizations are pursuing $840 million in DEA State Capacity grants.

      Anchor institutions are expected to play a central role in facilitating partnerships among state and local organizations to address the digital equity needs in their communities. During the call, several members shared their experiences developing such partnerships and how they anticipate participating in the grant program in the months ahead.

AnchorNets 2024 Sponsorship Opportunity

AnchorNets is the ideal setting to expand your company’s reach in the broadband market.

Schools, libraries, telehealth networks, and broadband companies attend from around the country to find out how to make billions in annual government funding work for them.

With real-world examples of E-rate, Rural Health Care, and other funding opportunities being put to use, AnchorNets is the place where broadband policy and innovation connect.

As a sponsor, gain unparalleled access to industry experts. Let’s create value together! 🤝

For sponsorship inquiries, contact Eric Fredell at

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