0SHLB Roundup - Week of June 10

SHLB Weekly Roundup

Explore SHLB’s weekly highlights for the week of June 10.

SHLB held a successful event in Washington, DC this week to bring various voiced to the table to discuss utility pole attachment and replacement issues. We heard from the FCC, NTIA, State broadband officials, and various stakeholders about how to solve impediments to broadband access caused by pole attachment costs and delays. Thank you to all of our speakers and attendees! To watch the full recording click here.

Policy Groups Update

Rural Healthcare Policy Call: On June 11 we discussed the current status of RHC program funding demand for 2024, the Rural Emergency Hospital Model, and updates concerning funding for cybersecurity resources.

Read the full notes from the calls here. We've switched databases, so you'll need to create a new account in order to access members-only content.

Sponsorships Available & Early Bird is Open!

The early bird registration is open! Non-members will receive $100 off at the checkout before July 16. Members can log in to the member portal to receive an extra discount.

For sponsorship inquiries, please reach out to Eric Fredell at efredell@shlb.org.

SHLB Filings and Letters

E-Rate Ex Parte letter: On June 11, SHLB and OTI filed an Ex parte letter.  

SHLB and OTI met with the FCC this week to discuss the pending “hotspots” NPRM and cost-control recommendations from an Ex Parte letter we filed last month. We additionally suggested that the FCC fund its new hotspot initiative by creating a new Category 3 budget for schools and libraries. This will ensure that support for Category 1 and 2 services and equipment will continue even if the total demand for E-rate funding exceeds the E-rate cap.

Issues We’re Working On

  • The FCC released the final Report and Order regarding the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program, which incorporated many of the clarifications that SHLB requested.

  • Due to SHLB's advocacy efforts on Capitol Hill, the Senate Commerce Committee deleted Senator Cruz's "Eyes on the Board Act" from the agenda of the next Committee mark-up.

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