SHLB Roundup - Week of June 17

SHLB Weekly Roundup

Explore SHLB’s weekly highlights for the week of June 17.

AnchorNets 2024 Early Bird is Open!

The early bird registration is open! Non-members will receive $100 off at the checkout before July 16. Members can log-in to the member portal to receive an extra discount.

For sponsorship inquiries, please reach out to Eric Fredell at

Policy Groups Update

Member Policy Call: On Monday, 6/17, Dr. Brittany-Rae Gregory Rivers, Communications Director at Next Century Cities, presented her report, “Brick by Brick.”

The report explores how HBCUs are using funding from NTIA's Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program to enhance their campuses and the surrounding communities.

Additionally, the group celebrated successfully postponing Sen. Cruz’s “Eyes on the Board Act,” which would have restricted E-rate funding for schools unless they banned social media.

Broadband Deployment Policy Call: On Tuesday, 6/18, the Broadband Deployment group reviewed the BEAD program's progress. With several companies withdrawing from their RDOF commitments, state broadband officials are adjusting project areas to cover unserved regions.

Some states define project areas themselves, while others rely on ISPs to set boundaries. There might be two rounds of awards in some states. The definition of an affordable rate is a contentious issue; NTIA provides guidelines but no specific rate.

Additionally, the group discussed the SHLB Poles Symposium, noting that Vermont has fewer pole attachment problems due to a state-specific formula for determining pole rates.

Wireless Policy Call: On Thursday, 6/20, the Wireless group discussed developments related to CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service). They focused on how the NTIA, the Defense Department, and the FCC, in collaboration with industry stakeholders, are working on CBRS 2.0. This major enhancement aims to improve the CBRS band with greater performance, reliability, and reduced interference.

E-Rate Policy Call: Due to numerous policy developments affecting the E-Rate program, a second policy call was held this month.

On Thursday, 6/20, the E-Rate group discussed the mid-month transition of services, clarified issues surrounding the rescission of federal funding for the ECF program, and reviewed the FCC’s recently adopted Report and Order for the Schools and Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program.

Pole Attachment Symposium Recording

Did you miss our poles symposium last week? Watch the recording here:

Issues We’re Working On

ECF: SHLB is exploring ways to alleviate the challenges faced by ECF applicants due to federal funding rescission. One proposal from our members is to urge Congress to allocate E-Rate program rollover funds for de-obligated ECF applications.

Spectrum: SHLB expresses disappointment that the Senate Commerce Committee did not approve Sen. Cantwell’s comprehensive spectrum reform legislation. We are now focusing on the Lujan/Vance bill, a streamlined effort that aims to provide funding for ACP and rip-and-replace initiatives.

Other Highlights

June 20th was World Wi-Fi Day!

Many anchor institutions use wireless technologies, including CBRS and other unlicensed and shared spectrum options, to connect students and individuals at home.

We hope that you join SHLB in raising awareness about the importance that Wi-Fi plays in bridging the digital divide and expanding connectivity for all!

Are you going to the ALA Conference?

The SHLB staff will be hosting a booth at ALA this year and we would love to spend time with our members face to face! Please let Eric Fredell know if you plan to attend by emailing

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